dont bring up the past of someone who trying to improve their future

As we navigate life, we must recognize the power of embracing the present and focusing on the future. When someone is actively working towards improving their life, it is crucial to refrain from bringing up their past mistakes. By offering support, encouragement, forgiveness, and a fresh start, we empower individuals to create a better future for themselves. Let us strive to cultivate empathy, compassion, and understanding, celebrating their progress and inspiring them to reach their full potential.

My current adventure has taken a path forward, diagonal, then in a circle. It all began as I didn’t love who I was any longer. I don’t mean how I looked, though I didn’t, or the life I was living, though I didn’t. I disapproved of the energy I was projecting onto others. I had become more concerned about attention and how others thought of me than I was about being authentic.

I had lived 40 years of my life being my authentic self, someone who cared for others, my body and mind, and my goals. In four short years, I undid everything I had worked a lifetime to put together; the good part is I could start again. Starting was easy, but the process was not; friends were lost, I felt incompetent, like a failure, and believed the negative talk that would creep in.

So I took one step, and then another, and then another; living in the past would hinder me from becoming who I wanted to become; I am not done, I’ll keep moving forward, but when I do take a glance back at the attention seeking, gossip spreading, alcoholic that once took over, I realize how far how I have come.

And how far I have to go.


people don't always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand them